Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Jessie Says

 I am a vixen
I love control
But you
                                   Disarm me
I want to ravage you                    
                          But this new weakness 
My hardness

The lioness is now a kitten

I made the decision to show you who I am.  And due to the above, you were such a shock to my system that I was only able to show you who I am when I am with you.

I took my power back and I made the decision to show you who I really am, sprinkled with a little of whom I would love to be.

It was the best.  The preparations made my soul tingle. I had put all of my special toys away, giving up on the idea of ever getting to play again. I don't usually enjoy secrets.  Yours are most definitely the exception, yet I'm certain that we've established this. It's nice to have something that's just ours. I never thought it would be something that I would ever get to have.

The game was Jessie Says.

Jessie says eat the dinner I made you.
Jessie says get in the shower and wash your ass and put on what I handed to you.

I let you choose your implements.

To be continued.....

I have to keep it sort of appropriate here.  My grandmother reads my smut.


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