Monday, October 31, 2016

Please forgive me for all the things my eyes are screaming at you,
My brain never seems to shut the hell up.

You were born of the earth and I of the sea.
My eyes the color of the tumultuous green ocean and yours of the calm blue sky.
I feel like I'm always struggling to keep up with your ever calm heart 
With my ever racing mind.
I that can't help but feel like if I crash into you persistently enough
your beach will give in and fall into me;  but it hasn't yet.
I should know better by now.

I have always managed to expertly maneuver myself through waves of emotion
Refusing to glance back at all the things that I know I would feel 
If only I had allowed myself;
But something has always been in the undertow.
There are days I've spent watching you,
Feeling like I have to throw myself off of cliffs to hold your attention.
I don't get why;  
I've never been one to beg like a puppy dog.
Hell, I've never even been loyal half the time.

The ghosts of what ifs haunt me quietly.
There's a small place in my mind without any cracks.
It's a place I always revert back to when love tries to creep in;
And here now with you as my thoughts cease in my quieted mind
My heart sinks at the notion and wonder yet again
That if love is supposed to bring us higher
Then why are we letting it down by not being in love with each other.

I've never met someone who saw the traits in me that i detest and ignore
Instead everyone falls in love with only the ones that I keep polished
When we met I was busy sifting through the rubble of my broken heart;
All of this messiness was right out in the open
And you accepted me as I was at the time.
And I can't help but wonder if loving me would be easier
If I would just accept the fact these aspects of me exist 
Rather than apologize profusely for it.

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