Sunday, October 16, 2016

Kindly Fuck Off

Don't stare at me like that. You with those eyes that stare into my soul like you're looking deep inside yourself

Don't make me crave your presence

Don't tell me I'm the only when there have been dozens that you've let into that black hole you call a heart

Don't just do something, do THAT THING, the thing that will make me stay

Don't make me trust you.

Love you

Need you

Don't make me feel like I can tell you anything when I can't

Don't make my walls crumble and not help me pick up the pieces

Don't treat me like I'm a human to you, and do human things to me and then expect me to have the feelings of a cyborg

Don't make my body remember you

Crave you like a drug

Don't make me feel like you have my back and take my side and then leave

Don't make me hope for someday, the day that you'll finally take your head out of your ass

Don't throw the pieces of my walls back over your shoulder like just another obstacle to get to what you really want out of me

Don't sit back and watch my scramble and squirm routine, picking up the pieces of my broken heart that I wasn't sure existed until you destroyed it

I'm good

You can kindly fuck off now

I've got it from here

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