Sunday, October 16, 2016

Time Warp

This modern love is not enough for an old-fashioned girl like me.
Give me a time machine and take me to the exact moment the person who I want to be with forever figures out that I exist.
Give me a time when the way you look at me like you do meant that you felt every feeling for me from the pit of your soul instead of the fact that you simply don't have one.
Give me a time before technology;
before the internet made it easy to realize that I'm not the most beautiful woman on the planet.
Give me a time when "I love you" meant something that wasn't thrown away.
Give me at time when one person was it - forever.
Give me a time when unconditional didn't depend on what day of the week it was.
Give me a time when assholes were something to be shunned rather than pined over.  
Give me a time when holding hands and weekends and breakfast in bed existed. 
Give me a time when it was okay to voice your needs without being needy because everyone else needed this shit too. 


-Dictated while driving into my sticky note app on my phone.  Yes, hands free.  6/2/2016

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