Friday, July 29, 2016

White Flag

The peace I feel in my decision 
not to chase after your fleeing, 
flirting tail 
leaves me with the underwhelming feeling 
that you wanted me to this time.  

There's only so much rejection
so many "not tonight's" one can bear 
and so few times that a heart 
is swallowed into your abyss,
turned to bits 
like meaningless paper in a fan 
before they find the place that makes them whole again 
while reaching out for your hand and finding nothing.

Searching for where your iceberg 
was a hit to my Titanic heart 
and my insulted intelligence sounded the alarm 
that a wolf was lurking.

Fighting for you.
Not seeing the corpses surrounding 
your battlefield of a heart.
Finding nothing but instant regret
and washing my hands clean of us.

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