Thursday, July 21, 2016

In Other Words....

I really wish that reminiscing about the amazing time 
that I had the evening before wasn't 
as painful to me as exercising a demon.
I never feel like I can relax 
And just let things be.
I would love it if I could take things 
for the nice time that it was
instead of my poetic brain praying that I was right about 
the undertones in your kiss goodnight.

It's really nice to be able to just laugh.
And then we both stop laughing because 
we realize that we're laughing at the same things 
and that for some odd reason
someone else on the planet gets my humor 
because it's their humor too.
And that I really am getting over that asshole 
who can't take the time to call 
and am pining over like a lovesick puppy anyways.
And just like that
The switch turns on and I finally get it.
Is he doing anything to make me laugh?
I didn't think so.

I cannot get your lips and hands out of my head
and I thought that by somehow telling you this 
it would get out of my system.
But since it's as if I created you in a computer program,
I'm finding that my technology illiterate heart was wrong.
And it's not just your lips or your hands;
frankly it's your whole face and the way that you look at me 
and the energy that you have about your entire being 
that fucks my shit up entirely...

So in other words,
Hi, how are you?

**Original 7/5/16, revised 7/21/16

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