Thursday, January 5, 2017


It's not when my mouth is going 100 mph 
And my eyes are running like faucets 
And the cliche Angels and Demons are racing the Indy 500 in my head 
That you should be worried if we're through.

It's when my heart and brain are finally are on speaking terms
And your voice feels like a sword in my ear. 
When the hardness that lives in the center of me has locked you inside it
And I simply have nothing more to say to you
That means you're screwed.
Because that is when I'm completely finished.

I never thought the day would come when we were just done.  
Where I would feel nothing in my bones for you at all.  
No more waiting for you to wake up and realize you miss me.
No more hoping you'll call. 
I just started living again.

Not everyone's kiss means the same thing.
Temporary feelings and fucking around
Create permanent memories and hurtful scars;
Remember that.
Sometimes the past is your teacher
And other times, regret is.
Come on over and suck on my last straw,
I dare you.


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