That one should not blog and publish while half awake and emotional.
That blueberry pinnacle and simply lemonade were meant to be together.
That I will be lose my mind excited over a phone call that I didn't expect to have. Gravitational pull, y'all.
That when I'm completely honest, people that don't have to be will be a little bit nicer than they were planning to be.
That connections with people shouldn't ebb and flow and then crash as hard as they have been. The Universe needs therapy. Also that my entire being cannot handle the crashing part anymore so therefore if you are currently a part of my life and plan on being a douchebag, see yourself out of it.
That when I am open and honest about needing your time for 5 minutes, it would be nice if you cared enough to pick up the phone.
That I am really tired of feeling like I have to question everything all the time. I just want to feel secure for once.
That haters gon' hate no matter what I do, so hate away! I am so tired of being negatively judged by people that have barely even met me. Take yourself back to the Mean Girls convention that you crawled out of and come back when you've found your self respect.
That grocery stores don't carry sanity. I have been seriously praying to see a two for one sale any day now.
That my gut instinct is usually correct. Hope says "Yes! About damn time", signs say truth, logic is screaming "pick me", big red flashing signs point to bullshit. At the same time I can't help but wonder if my big red flashing signs are all based on things that have happened in the past vs. anything that coincides with what is happening now. I need help in decifering but I think that realizing this is a start at the very least.
That I shouldn't have to compete, ever, to be loved. Unless it's arguing over who loves the other more, love is never a competition and you should never have to feel like you're constantly waiting for the bottom to drop out. Voicing your needs to your partner should never feel like a chore. **For the record, that although currently working on it, I am still unpartnered, this blog is just about realizations.
That giving honesty without expecting in return is the most freeing experience you can ever have. And realizing that it isn't going to matter if I don't receive it even more so. And accepting the fact that you are not going to get it even more than that.
That I'm not as allergic to human relationships as previously thought.
That is need to stop pushing myself and trust my body when it says that it's had enough. Failure in this causes me to feel like I'm being crushed by an elephant apparently. Now that I know what is causing it, I really am going to need to do better to stay on top of this. I just got done spending an entire month feeling this way and pissed away a summer being sick.
That there is not really a bad time to communicate specific thoughts or feelings so much as there is a bad way to say it.
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