Tuesday, August 25, 2015

In The End...

I have so much to say, but it's just not worth it to say more.  The damage has already been done.  I already said what I needed to.  What is more important is that it was what I should have said.  To the person that I should have said it to.  The ball's in their court. 

**Edit**  I realize that acting out of anger is never a good thing.  I tend to have a penchant for uncontrolled emotional outbursts.  More often than not it works in my favor....this time, um, not so much.  When I said I wanted to get rid of the bad feelings, I didn't mean that I wanted to have to feel them first, and cry almost non-stop, then get rid of them;  but the universe seems to have taken it that way.

All I can say is that this issue is just as much my fault as it was his.  Communication in any form other than self preservation had never been my strong point.

Clarity, regret and guilt can be saviours sometimes too, it's not only the job of happiness. 

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