I'm not the girl who gets picked
I'm not the girl you spend the rest of your life with
and I accept it as fact
I'm not the girl you spend the rest of your life with
and I accept it as fact
before you even say the first hello
but I am the girl who makes you want to change
who you reflect upon who you were
but I am the girl who makes you want to change
who you reflect upon who you were
who you have been
and who you want to be
for someone else
I am the girl who five years from now
you will look at your daughters and pray
that nobody ever hurts them the way you hurt me
on purpose
because my life is too messy to fit into yours
I am the girl who five years from now
you will look at your daughters and pray
that nobody ever hurts them the way you hurt me
on purpose
because my life is too messy to fit into yours
or so you say
you were never here for any of the messy parts
so how would you dare say that you know
maybe I just needed you to show up unannounced
Hersheys with almonds in one hand
and your heart in the other
the perfect equation
where you meet my vulnerability
I keep hidden away under the guise of strength
behind papier mâché walls
and my hot chocolate moat filled with piranhas
maybe I just say
maybe I just say
I'm the girl who loves you when you're broken
before you find your forever kind
while wishing it was me
the one you take all your anger out on
so your real lover doesn't cry themselves to sleep
the one you take all your anger out on
so your real lover doesn't cry themselves to sleep
while I do
maybe I don't need a knight in shining armor
maybe I wanted you
the jackass in a tinfoil hat
the one you always want to kiss
but only in private
I'm too much to explain
I don't care about being chosen anymore
not by you
the one you care for
but just don't love enough
to pick
I have to mourn you without wishing you will come back
and I've made peace with the fact that you won't
but a small part of me wishes
that you miss the way that my head felt on your shoulder
how it always felt so perfect like it was molded just for me
I know you don't
but that messy, lonely
really fucked up part of me
the one you always want to kiss
but only in private
I'm too much to explain
I don't care about being chosen anymore
not by you
the one you care for
but just don't love enough
to pick
I have to mourn you without wishing you will come back
and I've made peace with the fact that you won't
but a small part of me wishes
that you miss the way that my head felt on your shoulder
how it always felt so perfect like it was molded just for me
I know you don't
but that messy, lonely
really fucked up part of me
wishes for 9pm mozzarella sticks and The Labyrinth
in bed just the same
you won't call me when your broken-hearted daughter
is crying after being treated the same way you treated me
and I don't know if I would want you to
but I am sad that I won't get to wipe her tears
in solidarity
you'll always be the man with an empty plate of promises
and I the girl who chooses herself over all them
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