Friday, April 19, 2024

That Thing You Can't Throw Away

When it comes to living in your world
If I could be one thing other than 
What I am right now
I want to be a little Post-it that has 
Something as dorky as
"I love you"
Scribbled on it.

You're brand new to my world
But that old, odd, drunk cat lady that lives 
In the back of my brain won't stop shouting
"Fuck.  We really like this one"

I want to always be randomly left 
Where you'll come across it
When the day isn't going your way
Or when your heart is defeated
When the moon is shining 
Brighter than the sun

I want to be the memory 
Of a perfect moment where
Nothing in the world mattered 
But learning who about who we are 
And loving each other more
Than the rest of those insufferable shits


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