On my Book of Face feed, everyone is losing their minds over the new cups that popular Seattle based coffee house has put out, and being in the feisty mood I'm in at the moment, I can't help but put my 2 cents in on this.
For starters: It. Is. A. Cup.
In years past, I guess it used to be covered in snowflakes and all kinds of holiday cheery crap. I wouldn't know because I am a penny pincher and make mine at home. I am also a perfectionist who has to make my own to ensure my order is never screwed up. This year they have opted for minimalism and went for just red.
What on Earth does this have to do with not believing in God?
What on Earth does this have to do with anything at all?
What if they had opted to make them blue? You would all be losing your minds over how they celebrate Hanukkah. Or red and black? You would be losing your minds over how they were celebrating Kwanzaa and how they are racists and support the #blacklivesmatter movement. Why not bitch about how Santa is angry that it doesn't look like his workshop threw up all over it? Frankly, I care about the opinion of a fictional character more than I care about yours.
Regardless of the color they chose, it's a cup. It's a color. All lives matter. All religions matter. EVERYONE matters.
Are we so lost as a society that things mean more to us than people? Are we all so unhappy and fear mongering with what's going on in our own lives that we have to dictate the actions of everyone else?
Funny, I don't see anything on it that would suggest anything suggestive of religion on the cup at all. The color red is no way offensive in any way unless you adamantly don't like the color itself or are a bull. And no, being a bully doesn't count. Are you going to start storming the houses of people who have red couches and complain about how they're impeding on your life in their home? Red cars? Red anything?
My question is, whatever happened to "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"? How is it that we can be so caught up in religion that we forgot that we're killing our planet by using these cups and one time use products as a whole? Use it once, and throw it in a landfill. You might just think it's a cup, but billions are used every day and believe it or not, you are part of the problem.
Don't like the color or believe that it is rubbing your religious freedoms the wrong way? Don't buy from them. Big fans who like a disappointed friend don't like their decision but love them anyway and still need your fix? Bring your own cup and stop killing the environment.
If you are butt hurt over a cup, go die in a hole. Seriously, I have nothing else to say to you.
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