Friday, November 27, 2015

Leaving On A Jet Plane...

Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that is where I renew my springs that never dry up. 

-Pearl S. Buck

I will consider this to be nothing more than an open letter to every guy who has been a part of my life and ruined it - for the better.  A burning ceremony to cleanse my future, if you will.

All the things that I need that I've never gotten from you but could have if you would listen.  I couldn't have predicted you if I tried.  You were the one that I didn't see coming, and then before long you were the one that I couldn't imagine leaving.  And then you left.

I'm laughing louder now.  I'm smiling brighter and if it's the last thing I do, I swear I'll find something better than what we had.

That's not to say that your memory won't knock the breath out of me on a Thursday afternoon when our song comes through the car speakers.  I'll fight the urge to vomit when I hear someone say my name the same way you did.   That's not to say that I won't want to scream and break everything within reach at the memory of every lie I ever caught you in and how I want to invent a time machine for the sole purpose of going back and punching myself in the face for believing you anyway.  But the difference between then and now is that I recognize the pain in those memories.  I've packed them in a suitcase and put them down and walked away.  I'm done carrying them with me and I'm done giving you that power over me. 

I didn't do anything to deserve what happened, there are no amends to make on my part.  I am the one who always breaks and I am done bending over backwards to get love and approval.  Your love is staring at a big black hole and hoping you will love me is as endless as the magical vortex that the idealism of Santa and the Easter Bunny being real reside in. 

I wasn't what you wanted. I get it.  I kept hoping and staring and waiting because I didn't at the time.  Only to look back and realize that I'm in the same place I started in.  It makes me want to vomit all over your existence the same way that you've desecrated mine.

I don't know if you'll ever read this.  It's not for you anyway.  It's for me.  I'll read this on those nights when I'm alone and I feel like everything is falling apart.  I'll read this to remind myself of the promises that I'm making to myself at this very moment, to look forward and to stop letting the memory of how you mind fucked me into making me feel dictate my happiness.  This is me turning a page in the chapter of my story.  You don't win this round.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Bowl Of Lies

I just want to say before I start to rant yet again about something I saw on my feed in the Book of Face shared from the interweb that made me all "Spork someone in the undernads" happy, I really do love my friends.  They just disappoint me sometimes.

With that said, someone posted a recipe video for vegan macaroni and cheese.

What the fuck is that?

It's just a lie in a bowl.  That's what it is. 

Not even real.  The "cheese" was made from cashews and boiled up potato, carrot and onion.  I don't dispute that it's probably great, but don't call it something that it isn't.  I'm not a child whose stuff you can sneak veggies into and all that bullshit.  Cheese and I, we go way back.

Don't come to me with your web of lies. 

Cheese is wonderful and nothing to lie about.  If you have decided to become a vegan for any reason, ethical or otherwise, then I absolutely support your decision.  However, that decision was based off of your choice not to consume animal products.  Therefore I am confused as to why one would concoct something and then name it after an animal product. 

You, with your veggie cheese, veggie dogs and tofurkey.  Chemical shit storm, that's what that is.  Unless those chemicals you are consuming in the crap that you eat are somehow turning you into a member of the X-Men, don't come to me with that ethical high horse of yours. 

You don't see me walking around eating carrot sticks and calling them a hybrid steak, do you?

That's all I've got to say about that subject. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Starbucks Cups

On my Book of Face feed, everyone is losing their minds over the new cups that popular Seattle based coffee house has put out, and being in the feisty mood I'm in at the moment, I can't help but put my 2 cents in on this.

For starters:  It.  Is.  A.  Cup.

In years past, I guess it used to be covered in snowflakes and all kinds of holiday cheery crap.  I wouldn't know because I am a penny pincher and make mine at home.  I am also a perfectionist who has to make my own to ensure my order is never screwed up.  This year they have opted for minimalism and went for just red. 

What on Earth does this have to do with not believing in God?

What on Earth does this have to do with anything at all?

What if they had opted to make them blue?  You would all be losing your minds over how they celebrate Hanukkah.  Or red and black?  You would be losing your minds over how they were celebrating Kwanzaa and how they are racists and support the #blacklivesmatter movement.  Why not bitch about how Santa is angry that it doesn't look like his workshop threw up all over it?  Frankly, I care about the opinion of a fictional character more than I care about yours.

Regardless of the color they chose, it's a cup.  It's a color.  All lives matter.  All religions matter.  EVERYONE matters. 

Are we so lost as a society that things mean more to us than people?  Are we all so unhappy and fear mongering with what's going on in our own lives that we have to dictate the actions of everyone else? 

Funny, I don't see anything on it that would suggest anything suggestive of religion on the cup at all.  The color red is no way offensive in any way unless you adamantly don't like the color itself or are a bull.  And no, being a bully doesn't count.  Are you going to start storming the houses of people who have red couches and complain about how they're impeding on your life in their home?  Red cars?  Red anything?

My question is, whatever happened to "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"?  How is it that we can be so caught up in religion that we forgot that we're killing our planet by using these cups and one time use products as a whole?  Use it once, and throw it in a landfill.  You might just think it's a cup, but billions are used every day and believe it or not, you are part of the problem. 

Don't like the color or believe that it is rubbing your religious freedoms the wrong way?  Don't buy from them.  Big fans who like a disappointed friend don't like their decision but love them anyway and still need your fix?  Bring your own cup and stop killing the environment.

If you are butt hurt over a cup, go die in a hole. Seriously, I have nothing else to say to you.


Friday, November 6, 2015

Busy Bee


I haven't had the desire to write.  Not for lack of fodder.  Get comfortable, this might take awhile.

Last week was bad. My heart is broken for my family and for our recent loss. Their story is not mine to tell but I was there for them in the ways that I could be without throwing myself into my own downward spiral.  Long story short, I cried more than I smiled.  I got maybe the equivalent of 8 hours of sleep in 5 days.  I ended up sick with a sinus infection.  3 days off from work.  Instead of laying around feeling like a pile on the floor, I organized my office area and came to the conclusion that I have enough office supplies to see my kids through college.

You know when you're doing okay?  Not great by any means but okayish enough, upright and semi-functional.  Still able to force a smile.  Then you get hit with something that makes you want to vomit from some unseen passenger in your day that blows you over like a train wreck and you get all hot all over and you feel your heart leaping out of your throat and you congratulate yourself on not actually dying like you feel like you are. 

No?  Me either. 

As someone who has been a writer since the day I learned how to hold a pencil, I have received little feedback as up until now I haven't done this for anyone but myself.  Sure in school it was the best grade I got.  With that said, it wasn't until last week that I received the first compliment from my mother in regards to it in the history of ever.  And it was about the Go Fund Me page write up that I created to support my family members with what is going on right now.  It slightly infuriated me, I'm not going to lie. 

Halloween was different.  My kids decided they didn't want to trick or treat this year after our original plans didn't materialize for reasons out of our hands.  They spent the day at my Aunt's house making treats and watching Halloween movies.  After I got out of work we all carved pumpkins.  It was a gorgeous day outside but the temps dropped very quickly halfway through and by the time we were done we were all frozen to the bone.  I would have insisted on going inside but they were big pumpkins that you couldn't just pick up and move easily.  Then I took the kids out to dinner.  My daughter wasn't feeling very well suddenly wanted to go to bed.  I took her home and as planned my son and I went to see Hotel Transylvania 2 at the local theatre.  I haven't seen the first one but it was really funny. 

My aunt and kids love spending time with each other.  And who wouldn't?  My kids are awesome and she's like my best friend/sister.  On a serious note, when you die and plan a future for your children without you in it, you want your kids to remember who you were and not only is she like me, she gets me.  Probably more then I get myself.  When they went over for Halloween, my son was unusually moody all day and wouldn't say why.  He just couldn't get settled, couldn't make a single decision for himself and had a breakdown when they went pumpkin picking.  He seemed to calm down when I got there.  We managed to have a great rest of the night.  Then, the second we got in the car after the movie, he got quiet.  Then he said, "She is never going to experience her first Halloween."  We talked about our recent loss and cried together. 

The way my kids process grief differently both makes my heart swell and cry at the same time.  I have always explained to my kids that "More family means more love", coming from a huge family where both parents are remarried I know this.  My son takes loss to heart and is slow to let go, and my daughter just understands that it's a part of life and moves on with her day.  During this journey I've come to realize I might be doing an okay job after all and that they might not be as ruined as I once believed. 

It is now November. The time where everyone comes out of the woodwork to magically become grateful for this that and the other thing that they bitch about for the other 11 months of the year - blah, blah, freakin' blah.   I won't get started on the things that I don't understand about that one. I think that it has something with the impending doom you feel during the change of the seasons and the end of the year. Plus Christmas....being nice to people so they'll buy you stuff. I on the other hand plan to be just as much of an asshole as I am the rest of the year. 

 Promises that were made to me were broken.  In my frustrated, exhausted, grieving, lonely state things came out of my soul and through my mouth that I was holding back because I knew what it was being driven by but I just couldn't hold it in anymore.  Then to my surprise, behavior seemed to change.  However, it was lost on me because I was so busy being lost in what was happening in my head that I didn't see it.  You know, when someone apparently picks up what you're laying down and they go out of their way to do something nice for you, but you're still so stuck on how much they suck you can't think of anything else?

That's right.  I am Queen Turd of planet Buttholio.

I've said more than once that I have a penchant for random emotional outbursts and blurting out the first thing that pops into my head.  Sometimes it works in my favor.  Most of the time I just don't care who knows what I'm thinking.

I didn't realize this until yesterday while I was driving my car.  You know how after someone has sat in your driver's seat you're convinced that they changed all your settings?  Wednesday I got my brakes fixed and new tires put on so I no longer need to be scared by all the weird things my car was doing.   Well I was in a really bad mood from the fight that I had just gotten into and managed to think that the mechanic moved my seat all the way back and so I moved it forward.  Yesterday after driving for 10 minutes I came to realize that my elbows were touching the steering wheel.  I guess my rage turned me into some crotchety old hag and I shrunk 6 inches.  At least I got a laugh out of it, but I really did feel defeated after normal thoughts started flooding in.  I also realized the reason behind the rage filled incident Wednesday and I have some explaining to do.  It was just an exchange of bad feelings and nothing was really said.  It was gross.  It didn't feel good.

Yesterday I didn't stop moving until I went to bed out of sheer refusal to dwell.  I started off with the miraculous fact that both kids got on the bus and I didn't have to take them to school.  An elderly volunteer at work gave me some apples for my mom's animals so I brought those out to her.  My 2 year old niece told me how "I don't like Aladdin, it scares me.  Cause the tiger."  My mom told me that she thought she meant the tiger that lives with Princess Jasmine.  I remember as a kid being scared of the tiger cave that comes out of the sand and we bonded because that was the part that always scared me too.  My landlord called and said that they were going to replace the window at the end of the kid's room to bring the house up to fire code.  I ran home and cleaned the kids room in a hurry.  In case you already didn't know, teenagers are disgusting.  I took my daughter's broken box spring and bed frame out of her room and to the deck - I don't understand how a twig for a child can jump on a bed so hard she broke the leg off of her frame and the box spring into smithereens.  I cleaned out my car and brought said box spring and mattress to the car and then to the town dump.  That was what I can imagine wrestling a grizzly bear would be like, only less gory and it didn't end with my death.  Then I went to mom's to watch the kids for a little bit while she ran errands.  Then home to get my car loaded with the weekly garbage and recycling to take to the town dump, the returnables for the redemption center and 5 totes of stuff that I have weeded out for Goodwill.  That's right, in my last blog I wrote about how I got rid of a bunch of stuff and since that time I have found more crap.  If I didn't know any better I'd think that my house was holding a crux from Lord Voldemort.  For every one item I get rid of 2 more take it's place.  Stopped at my friend's house for a bit.  Then dinner for the kiddos.  My son and I have been bonding over some old school movies my mom sent over. 

Bless my son and his gentle heart.  He didn't want his pumpkin to be cold, so he brought it inside.  I was all "Okay whatever" folding laundry and didn't ask him where in the house he put it.  I came down for coffee and saw that it was on the kitchen floor looking a little droopy.  He put it on top of the heating vent of our forced air furnace and it cooked.  Children are for raising, not understanding.  That is all I have to say about that.

After this week that I managed to somehow make it through slightly unscathed, I can foresee this work week becoming a cluster of absolute absurdity.  Therefore, I will not do anything out of the ordinary for fear of angering everything that moves.  I can hear tomorrow morning telling me to fuck off already.