I have been single now for 2 years, and I would like to know just one thing:
What the fuck has happened to the idea of human interaction while I was out of the dating pool for 7 years?
I mean, come on!!!
Since when is it okay to treat people like they're amazing one minute and then just randomly stop talking to them the second that you find something better? Whatever happened to honesty and integrity? Since when is it okay to not put any effort into getting to know someone before jumping in the sack with them?
I'll tell you: we've become a society of convenience. We do what's easy. There is no need for effort, because the second you get in a fight with your significant other, right there on any social media platform you choose there's a person ready to step in. And then whenever you get sick of them, you can start the dance all over again. Hookups are easier than taking the effort to become emotionally attached to someone. Coming from someone who was a big slut for years because of all of my emotional baggage, I am totally familiar with how it works.
And I'll tell you what; when you are no longer in a place where you want what's easy, and actually want something meaningful, the world fucking sucks.
It. Sucks.
People are just shitty to each other.
I've been writing. Nothing that I'm ready to publish yet. Stay tuned.